conferences (konferenciák)

Conference proceedings in the framework of the project (Konferenciarészvételek a projekt keretében):

11 November, 2021. Northeastern Political Science Association 53nd Annual Conference, November 11-13, 2021. Online lecture: Exceptional Governance and COVID-19 in Hungary.

3 December, 2021. 53rd ASEEES Annual Convention, 3-5 December, 2021. Online lecture: Emergency Power in Hungary and the COVID-19 Crisis.

9 April, 2022. 79th Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference 7–10, April 2022 Chicago. Lecture: Emergency Governance in Hungary and the COVID-19.

2 June, 2022. 26th annual Central European Political Science Association Conference, Bled, Slovenia. “Democracy after coronavirus: facing new political reality”. Lecture: COVID-19 and Emergency Measures in Hungary.

3-4 April, 2023. transform! conference, Trieste (Italy). Lecture: The Political Economy of Emergency Governance in Hungary.

13-16 April 2023. MPSA Conference, 3, Chicago, IL. Lecture: Democratic Threats and Opportunities of the Exceptional Governance.

2023. május 25-26. MPTT Vándorgyűlé. Előadás: Globális válságok és kivételes állapotok.

11-13 September, 2023. "Zeitenwende – Politik(Wissenschaft) in unsicheren Zeiten" Dreiländertagung von DVPW, ÖGWP und SVWP. Lecture: Democratic Threats and Opportunities of the Exceptional Governance.

21-22 September, 2023. Crises and Transformations, Berlin, 21-22. Lecture: The Extraordinary Governance Measures of Authoritarian Populism in the Era of Global Crisis.

23 September, 2023.Towards a Siege Mentality?, online workshop. Lecture: The Extraordinary Governance Measures in Hungary.

28-29 September, 2023. CEPSA Annual Conference. Lecture: The Extraordinary Governance and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe.

March 4-7, 2024. FFLCH–University of São Paulo Cultura e Extensão Universitária Summer School. Course: Exceptional Governance Measure in the Era of Climate and Ecological Crisis.

4 April, 2024. MPSA Annual Conference. Lecture: Law and Democracy under the Pressure of Extraordinary Governance Measures.

2024. május 16-17. MPTT Vánforgyűlés. Előadás: A rendkívüli eszközökkel való kormányzás közpolitikai hatásai.

May 31 - June 2, 2024. No War but the Class War Conference, New York. Lecture: Extraordinary Governance Measures as Authoritarian Class Politics.

Organised event in the framework of the project (a projekt keretében szervezett rendezvény):
2023. március 23. A globális válságok társadalmi és politikai hatásai (workshop, ELTE ÁJK)

2023. május 11. 18.00. A kivételes jogrend és demokrácia (ELTE ÁJK PTI Műhelyvita)